Power poin presentations
Bioenergy presentation
Wind energy presentation
1. Describe one thing that surprised you about the energy source that you researched and presented.
One thing that suprised me about my energy source was the different kinds of wind turbines there are as well as the different uses for bio energy.
2. Describe one thing that surprised you about an energy source that another team presented.
The one thing that suprised me the most about the other group's slides was that we depend more on coal as an energy source than most of the other energy sources.
3. Describe and defend what you believe to be the most important technological need regarding energy.
The most important energy source was solar energy because solar energy is a less harmful energy thaother sources.
3. Describe and defend what you believe to be the most important technological need regarding energy.
The most important energy source was solar energy because solar energy is a less harmful energy thaother sources.
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